PROJECT 18ORMOND announced

Dublin Civic Trust is delighted to launch its major new building conservation project at 18 Ormond Quay Upper in the heart of the historic city on the Liffey quays.

PROJECT 18ORMOND will involve a complete conservation and refurbishment of the fascinating set of buildings that comprise 18 Ormond Quay Upper and 67 Arran Street East on the north bank of the Liffey.

Before & After

Strategically sited overlooking Christ Church Cathedral and the Civic Offices, 18 Ormond Quay Upper is an important example of a Liffey-side merchant house that is embedded with historic layers spanning over three centuries. Now in need of major structural consolidation and conservation of historic fabric, the Trust intends to undertake a wholesale refurbishment of the building as a dynamic demonstration of best conservation practice and creative reuse.

This is the most challenging and transformative building project the Trust has embarked on since its foundation in 1992 and is one of the most significant initiatives of its kind in Ireland. PROJECT 18ORMOND has the scope to demonstrate to the city and to the nation the inherent value of Dublin’s traditional buildings, and to engender a broader appreciation of the historic built environment across the country.

A few glimpses of the historic interiors:

Find out more about the project and the work of Dublin Civic Trust by visiting our new website at

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Irish Period Houses


For anyone who owns, manages or occupies a traditional building in Ireland, or who is thinking of taking on a building conservation project, this is the must-have, definitive reference guide to the subject.

Buy online now

Price: €45


Irish Period Houses is a complete revision of the previous edition of the book Period Houses, printed in 2001, which was a pioneering manual for best practice repair and maintenance of period houses in Dublin. The new edition, undertaken by the same author, building conservation accredited surveyor Frank Keohane, greatly widens the scope of the manual with a comprehensive array of new topics now covering all of Ireland.

Period houses comprise a distinctive part of Ireland’s architectural heritage. They require a careful approach to repair and maintenance to ensure that their unique character is preserved.Irish Period Houses provides invaluable information for the homeowner and building professional into the design of traditional houses, their construction materials and decorative elements, and expert guidance on how they can be repaired and enhanced with best conservation practice. It is the definitive reference guide for custodians of most period buildings in Ireland and for anyone considering taking on a building conservation project.

The book is arranged into 25 easily navigated chapters, with subjects ranging from traditional walls and roofs, windows, internal joinery, damp, timber decay, decorative finishes and energy efficiency. A unique feature is the array of specifications from historic builder’s manuals and architect’s instructions which provide an invaluable insight into how Ireland’s buildings were originally assembled.

Over 1000 colour illustrations and diagrams provide useful instruction on typical features and materials used in Irish traditional buildings, problems commonly encountered, and best practice solutions for their conservation, repair and replacement where necessary. Unlike other guidance books that specialise in specific areas of construction or conservation, Irish Period Houses provides an invaluable, holistic approach for the owner/occupier or building professional – ensuring that the right works are carried out at the right time, and that all factors are considered when undertaking repair or refurbishment works.

Irish Period Houses – A Conservation Guidance Manual is available to buy directly from Dublin Civic Trust through its online store priced €45 (€54.00 with package and postage).